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International School of Southern Denmark (The Cosmo)

The International School of Southern Denmark is a private school located in Kolding, Denmark. The school offers a Cambridge certified education to primarily foreign students at the Primary, Lower Secondary and Secondary School level. As expected the courses are conducted in English, although students do take Danish as a second language in order to help them integrate into their new surroundings.

The Cosmo first opened its door in 2008 to meet the growing need for an International School in the Southern region of Denmark. The local Government essentially felt that in order to attract skilled international workers to the region, that English language educational facilities much be made available. The school has students from over 20 different countries. The Cosmo truly does serve the entire region, with students coming not only from Kolding, but also Vejle, Fredericia and Odense.

In recent years a growing number of Danish born children have been attending the International School. There are 3 main reasons for this:

  1. The Danish child comes from a family which has been living outside of Denmark. Often these families find that it is less disruptive to their child’s education by continuing with an English language teaching environment rather than enrolling them in a Danish teaching environment
  2. The child comes from a family which will be living outside Denmark due to one or both of the parent’s employment duties. Families in this situation often wish to prepare their children for an international education prior to departure
  3. The Danish child’s family wishes to enroll their son or daughter in an international school in order to greater prepare them for life in an international world

With such a diverse group of students the International School takes great care in assisting and attending to each individual student’s needs.

There are many benefits in taking a Cambridge Certified Education at the International School. Cambridge certified schools are located in over 100 countries worldwide, and the education is seamlessly transferable for students who are likely to find themselves living in different countries in the future. Not only is the education transferable on a Primary, Lower Secondary and Secondary school level it is also recognized as a qualification means for acceptance into many Universities and Colleges worldwide.

The International School of Southern Denmark offers 3 Cambridge programs:

  1. Cambridge International Primary Programme (CIPP)- The CIPP programme is for students aged 5-12 or Year 1-6
  2. Cambridge Lower Secondary Programme (CLSP)- The CLSP program is for students aged 12-14 or Year 7, 8 and 9
  3. International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)- The IGCSE program is for students aged 14-16 or Year 10 and 11

The International School of Southern Denmark prides themselves on taking great care in understanding the needs of their students, both on an educational and social level. Living in a foreign country can be a daunting experience for a child. The Cosmo strives to create a wondrous, memorable experience for its students. The school holds many fun events and functions throughout the school calendar year, with the goal of helping the children connect with one and other and create lasting friendships.

LastUpdate: 2016-09-19 09:27:21