Domestic Politics of Denmark
The stated objectives of the current government in 2008 include the following:
Welfare: In order to create more workers to support the many elderly people, the age for early retirement has been raised from 60 to 62 and the state pension age from 65 to 67. They will be raised further if the average age continues to increase. – Unemployed people must be available to the labour market more quickly and effectively than before. – Immigrants and their descendants must be integrated more effectively on the labour market. Among other things, the police are trying to recruit them. Workplace polls show that 87 of 100 ethnic Danes value their new colleagues and welcome them. – School children must decide on their choice of employment earlier and students must finish their studies more quickly. – The green card system must attract foreigners with useful knowledge.
Globalisation: The Government has established a programme aimed at making Denmark world class within education, research and innovation within ten years. One of the decisions is that from 2010, publicly financed research must constitute 1% of GDP.
Education: Denmark’s 12 universities and 15 research institutes will be merged into a smaller number, so that Denmark among other things gets three elite universities that bear comparison with the best in the world. Students who complete their studies quickly are given top marks simply for that. Studies should be finished before the age of 25.
Energy and environment: Denmark regards the UN decision to hold its 2009 Climate Summit in Copenhagen as a recognition of the country’s attitude to environmental issues. The purpose of the Summit is to renew the epoch-making Kyoto Agreement of 1997. Denmark is already a world leader with regard to the exploitation of wind power and export of wind turbines and environmental protection equipment. Every second wind turbine in the world is manufactured in Denmark. The aim is that a third of Denmark’s energy consumption will come from renewable sources by 2025. Already now (2005) the percentage is 15.5% – a figure attracting international attention. Increased energy self-sufficiency also has security policy implications.
LastUpdate: 2015-04-18 13:24:16