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Words and Phrases: Food and Drink

In the Restaurant: Danish Words For You

Sooner or later you're going to get hungry. You're in luck. Danish food is excellent. Although it can tend to be rich, Danes are very conscious of the environment and green considerations. Accordingly, there is an excellent chance your meal will be organically prepared. For comparison, there are 19 Michelin starred restaurants in Copenhagen. Chicago is twice the size of Copenhagen, yet only has 25.

Although this is changing rapidly, dining out is still less common in Denmark than it is in North America. Conversely, Danes are more likely to have formal or semi-formal dinner parties. You should also be fore warned that Danish restaurants may be pricier than you might expect. That's at least partly offset by the fact that tipping is not "obligatory" in most restaurants and is certainly lower than North American norms. However, custom dictates that if you are dining out, you might leave a tip up to perhaps 10% for excellent service.

Realistically, it is a near certainty that your server speaks some English if you are in a normal restaurant.  Nonetheless, it can be fun and challenging to try to speak as much Danish as you possibly can.

Her are a few helpful words and phrases in order to get you started:

I'm hungry
Jeg er sulten
Yai air sool-ten
I'm hungry now
Jeg er sulten nu
Yai air sool-ten new
Is there a restaurant near here?
Er der en restaurant i nærheden?
Air dare een rest-o-rang ee nair-hilden?
I would like to order breakfast
Jeg ville gerne bestille morgenmad
Yai vill gairn best-eel morn-mell
I would like to order dinner
Jeg ville gerne bestille middag
Yai vill gairn best-eel mee-da
Supper (evening meal)
Can I order a steak?
Kan jeg bestille en bøf?
Kay yai best-eel in boof?
(like a horses "hoof")
Do you have any fish?
Har du nogen fisk?
Har do known fisk?
I would like some chicken.
Jeg vil gerne heve nogle kylling
Yai vill gairn hay nool cooling.
Is there any soup today?
Er der nogen suppe i dag?
Air Dare noon soup ee day?
How much is it?
Hvor meget koster det?
Vor my-et kaw-sta day?
I would like a glass of red wine with that please.
Jeg vil gerne have et glas rødvin med det venligst.
Yai vill gairn hay it gless rule veen muh day veen-least.
What would you recommend?
Hvad vil du anbefale?
Ved vill do en-beh-fale-eh
That tasted very good.
Der smagte meget godt.
Dare smacked my-ell got.
Can you show us the desserts?
Kan du vise os desserterne?
Can do vees os des-ert-er-ne
Please can I have ....
Kan jeg have ....
Kai yah ha ...
Can I have the bill please? Kan jeh få regningen tak? Kai yah foe rye-ning-e tak
What time is it? Hvad er klokken? Ved air claw-gen
Where is the Toilet? Hvor er toilettet? Vor air toy-lee-tel

LastUpdate: 2018-05-26 20:39:30